Friday, August 7, 2009

Steven Tyler Dead

Steven Tyler's the latest celebrity to be chased by a rumor that he has died. It has to be said that, despite the pictorial evidence to the right there of him just before his most recent concert, Steven Tyler is not dead yet. The rumor comes from two different sources: the first that there's simply been a series of such rumors that this or that famous person as died.
The second source is that while performing at a concert in South Dakota Steve Tyler did fall offstage. But far from this causing Steven Tyler's death it left him with head, neck and shoulder injuries. He required stitches to his head and has a broken shoulder blade which, while painful is very rarely fatal. He is now back home being treated by his own doctor.
Here's the video recorded by a fan at the concert and which is, partly, the source for the story that Steven Tyler has died. This here internet allows such rumors to thrive and spin around the globe at the speed of light (which is what electrons move at) and given that several famous people did indeed die recently, there's a certain believability about another one doing so.

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